The attached article titled Henry Josiah DeForest (1855-1924): A Largely Forgotten New Brunswick Born Artist was published in the Fall 2019 issue of Generations, the quarterly journal of the New Brunswick Genealogical Society.

Updates to the Article:
- The article mentioned that there were unconfirmed reports that Mr. DeForest may have studied at the Sackville Academy. The Archivist at Mount Allison University has since referred me to an 1878-79 entry for H.J. DeForest in the Mount Allison Wesleyan Men’s Academy year book.
- Endnote 15 listed the public institutions where Mr. DeForest’s work is preserved. The Manager of Collections and Exhibitions of the Beaverbrook Art Gallery in Fredericton, NB has reported that it has recently added one of his paintings to its collection – Accession number CONS2018.21.
- The correct spelling of the authors’ names for the 1967 book Arts in New Brunswick should have read R. A. Tweedie, Fred Cogswell, W. Stewart MacNutt
- The William Colgate book referred to in the article was originally published in 1943 (not 1923 as stated) and the paperback version was published in 1967 as correctly indicated in the endnotes
- Reference to Maccon, N.S. in the article should have read Maccan, N.S.